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Local Disaster Response Strengthened: Manolo Fortich Completes Intensive RDANA Training

RDANA Training

August 25, 2023 – In a significant stride towards bolstering local disaster response capabilities, members of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council in Manolo Fortich successfully concluded the four-day Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (RDANA) Training. The intensive program, conducted from August 22 to 25, 2023, unfolded at the serene enclave of Alomah's Place and Nature Farm in Barangay Dahilayan.

This vital training initiative, orchestrated by the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) Region 10, is a direct manifestation of the agency's commitment to the mandate set forth by Republic Act No. 10121. This legislation outlines the imperative for formulating standardized operational procedures, facilitating seamless information exchange among diverse government bodies, and ensuring impeccable coordination both pre- and post-disaster at all hierarchical tiers. The dynamic sessions were ably facilitated by the local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management team of Manolo Fortich.

At the heart of disaster responsiveness lies the RDANA protocol – a dynamic tool wielded during the early and pivotal stages of a calamity's onslaught. In essence, RDANA accomplishes two crucial tasks: firstly, it paints an accurate portrait of the disaster's scope and the impact it inflicts upon the populace; and secondly, it determines the precise magnitude and type of aid indispensable for the afflicted community.

The RDANA training endeavor was meticulously designed to furnish participants with a multi-faceted skill set. The curriculum encompassed: a) in-depth comprehension of RDANA processes and principles; b) adept coordination mechanisms among diverse stakeholders engaged in assessment; c) mastering the procedural intricacies preluding, during, and post RDANA missions; d) honing the acumen to effectively assess information in disaster-stricken locales; and e) adeptly applying appropriate assessment methodologies in simulated disaster-affected scenarios.

The training experience interactive lectures with discussions, all of which culminated in high-impact simulation exercises held on the program's concluding day. This hands-on approach aimed at translating theoretical knowledge into pragmatic expertise, poised to be deployed during real-world crises.

The instructional roster was fortified by luminaries in the field, who generously shared their proficiencies with the trainees. Glenn S. Lahayon and Cheryl T. Namoc, representing the Capacity Building & Training Section of the Office of Civil Defense 10, alongside Toni Gail N. Jariolne from the Rehabilitation & Recovery Management Section of the same office, impeccably served as the training's esteemed instructors.

As Manolo Fortich emerges from this rigorous training experience, the community stands fortified by enhanced disaster response capabilities. The successful culmination of the RDANA Training serves as a resounding testament to the locality's commitment to safeguarding its populace through rigorous preparedness and prompt, coordinated action in times of crisis.










Dara Eloise L. Quiño
Dara Eloise L. Quiño


Date Posted: August 30, 2023