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Strengthening Gender and Development in Manolo Fortich: GFPS members undergo ladderized training

The ladderized training on Gender and Development undertaken by members of the GFPS in the LGU of Manolo Fortich marks a significant milestone in their commitment to advancing gender mainstreaming efforts.

Members of the Gender and Development Focal Point System (GFPS) within the Local Government Unit (LGU) of Manolo Fortich participated in a comprehensive 2-day ladderized training on Gender and Development (GAD) Track 2 last July 6-7, 2023. The training, held at the prestigious VIP Hotel in Cagayan de Oro City, was facilitated by esteemed GAD specialists from the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) Northern Mindanao Field Office assisted by the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office. GFPS members include reprentatives from the Manolo Fortich Womens Federation, Indigenous Peoples and different offices in the LGU along with the Committee Chairperson on Women, Family and Child Care Coun. Joy L. Cordovez.

The training aimed to enhance the participants' understanding of GAD concepts and underscored the significance of integrating GAD principles in the planning and implementation of various programs, projects, and activities within the LGU. Recognizing the importance of gender-sensitive planning, the training emphasized the necessity of considering diverse gender needs and experiences when formulating strategies. By adopting gender-responsive approaches, the LGU can ensure inclusivity, equality, and the promotion of women's rights.

During the training, participants learned about the vital role of GAD in planning and creating effective programs and initiatives. They gained insights into the intricacies of identifying and addressing gender disparities, biases, and inequalities within the community. One of the key highlights of the training was on how to create a GAD Agenda, which will serve as a comprehensive roadmap for integrating GAD principles within the LGU's policies and programs. This Agenda will guide the LGU in prioritizing gender-responsive strategies, ensuring that the benefits of their initiatives are accessible to all individuals, regardless of gender identity.

Additionally, the training focused on imparting knowledge and skills in GAD Planning and Budgeting. Participants learned how to effectively allocate resources to address gender disparities, making certain that GAD considerations are adequately integrated into the budgeting process. By doing so, the LGU can ensure the implementation of gender-responsive initiatives that cater to the unique needs of its diverse population. In a statement, Chief GAD Specialist Atty. Kristine Kay Lazarito-Calingin emphasized that LGU projects, programs and activities must address gender issues with the aide of GAP Analysis. "Ideally, kung maayo inyohang GAP Analysis, mas strategic ang inyong mabutang sa GAD Agenda. Because of your GAD Agenda, dili namo maglisod og formulate sa inyong GPB (GAD Planning and Budgeting) kay balikan ra man ninyo ang inyong agenda." 

Moreover, the training provided valuable insights into assessing gender issues within client-focused and organization-focused Program, Project, and Activity (PPA) frameworks. Participants were equipped with tools and techniques to critically analyze potential gender gaps and biases. This knowledge empowered them to identify areas where gender-responsive strategies can be implemented or strengthened, thus promoting inclusivity and equality throughout the LGU's endeavors.

The ladderized training on Gender and Development undertaken by members of the GFPS in the LGU of Manolo Fortich marks a significant milestone in their commitment to advancing gender mainstreaming efforts. The training, facilitated by GAD specialists from the PCW and the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office, has equipped the participants with essential skills and knowledge to create a more equitable and inclusive society.

By integrating GAD principles into their planning and implementation processes, LGU Manolo Fortich takes a remarkable stride towards achieving gender equality and empowering all individuals within the community. This training serves as a testament to the LGU's dedication to creating a society where every person's rights and needs are recognized and respected.










Joey Yecyec
Joey Yecyec


Date Posted: July 10, 2023