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LGU Manolo Fortich supports DOH Booster “Pinas Lakas” Vaccination Program

The Local Government of Manolo Fortich expands its programs to promote the DOH Booster "Pinas Lakas" Vaccination Program

The Municipal Pharmacy of Manolo Fortich served as a one of the vaccination sites in order to expedite the service to those residents who opted to have their Covid vaccine shots. The Municipal Health Office also intensified their campaign to encourage the residents to have their selves vaccinated most especially the elderly through making the barangay centers as strategic sites.

According to Rural Health Physician Dr. Kharla Laarni B. Dinsag of the Municipal Health Office, aside from the 1st and 2nd doses, the group also highly encourage the residents to have their booster shots. It is the initiative of the Local Government Unit of Manolo Fortich to show its utmost support for the Booster “Pinas Lakas” Vaccination Program initiated by the Department of Health.

Dr. Dinsag is very appreciative of the Barangay Health Workers, midwife and nurses for their support and dedication that they have shown for the said program. A listing was made per zone in order to head count those who still needs the 1st and 2nd dose as well as those who needs the booster shots. If ever there are enough numbers listed, the Resbakuna Team will visit the zone and conduct the vaccination onsite so that the residents will save money for the fare.

Dr. Dinsag also thanked the 3rd Engineering District of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) along with the other private sectors who required their employees to get vaccinated. She also explained the new directives released by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. regarding the 90% target population of the senior citizens that should be vaccinated already with their 1st and 2nd doses. In Manolo Fortich, 80% of the 6,500-target population of the elderly are already vaccinated. This adds to the 87% overall population who are fully vaccinated. She hopes that by the end of September the target number of fully-vaccinated people will be achieved.

MHO also stressed how important it is to achieve the 50% 1st booster eligible populations in the municipality to avoid the spread of the communicable disease. They made the people understand that the only way to achieve herd immunity is through the continuous support of the people to the programs of the government such as the vaccination to protect ourselves, our families and our community.

However, Dr. Dinsag sadly relayed that as of August 21, 2022, the total number of Covid positives reached 24. Five of which were brought to different medical facilities and most of them had mild symptoms. Because of this, Mayor Rogelio R. Quiño encouraged the LGU employees to always be vigilant and cautious in order to avoid contracting the virus.


Liza Muga
Liza Muga


Date Posted: October 03, 2022